The Cascade Effect, is a one-stop-guide for small businesses, startups and those who want to learn how PR can grow your business, making you a successful entrepreneur!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Build Community, Sustainable Brand

Without surprise the majority of small businesses being launched today are Internet-based, meaning that their primary focus is selling their product online. Now that doesn't mean that retail no longer has meaning to customers, because it does. Women, in general, will never tire of taking a stroll through their favorite shopping area and sifting through the latest products. In fact, you really need to focus on both, if your business model/product is applicable.

The real opportunity with the Internet is a company's ability to connect with their customers, to build a unique community specifically for them. Trust me....if you're customers feel connected to your business, special they will return and more importantly they will provide word-of-mouth to friends and family.

Moreover, your website and building a community for customers gives you an opportunity to communicate with them directly answering questions, giving advice, pimping your own new products and services, as well as accomplishments. All of this re-establishes, in the customer's mind, why they've aligned themselves with your business.

Here's a great article from Chief Marketer on the importance of creating an online community for your small business, and how to build it so that they will come.

Building Your Brand by Creating Community
Apr 14, 2009 12:19 PM, By Ryan Buchanan

What are the most important goals when building your brand online? No matter the product, service or industry, those goals likely include:

1. Starting a relationship with your customers that can't be duplicated by the competition, encouraging loyalty and providing value.
2. Maximizing customer interaction time with your brand, as well as building mindshare and influence.
3. Building an e-mail list for targeted follow-up and communication.

Now, what's the best way to kill these three birds with one rock-solid project?

One popular and effective method is building an online community for your brand, letting your customers lead the way from a touch point that they control.


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