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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Twitter Away to Build Your Brand

Great read on Chief Marketer for every business owner that wants to master cutting-edge marketing opportunities.

To Tweet or Not to Tweet? How Twitter Can Further Your Brand
Apr 21, 2009 3:15 PM, By Jonathan Paisner and Bill Westcott

Twitter has spawned a powerful social information and communication medium. This has impacted how news is gathered, how organizations get the word out and how buzz is created. And with Twitter's explosive growth brands are jumping into the game—thousands, actually, according to (a business directory that aims to be the Yellow Pages of Twitter).

So just how does a brand use Twitter to further its aims? A few recent anecdotes can help demonstrate how companies need to think about Twitter and its impact on their brands.

Pushing the Brands
Brands ranging from ESPN to Starbucks to Dell are supporting active accounts boasting tens of thousands of followers. Whole Foods has over 300,000 followers, enabling them to communicate instantly with their most avid customers, essentially providing an open discussion forum around the Whole Foods lifestyle, with recipes, promotions, tips, etc.

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