The Cascade Effect, is a one-stop-guide for small businesses, startups and those who want to learn how PR can grow your business, making you a successful entrepreneur!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SpikeTV and SCORE Offer New Resource for Food Entrepreneurs

SpikeTV -- which just launched its Sunday night series "Bar Rescue" -- and SCORE the non-profit small business mentoring association, have customized a toolkit called "Serve Up Success" available free of charge at in order to help aspiring entrepreneurs and struggling businesses find success despite this challenging economic climate. The toolkit is particularly timely as unemployment figures continue to rise. The goal: to help entrepreneurs succeed in the food service industry! Whether you're deciding if opening your own bar or restaurant is right for you or if you're a food service veteran, use this great toolkit filled with SCORE resources to help you succeed.

Worth reading: "Bar Rescue: and food industry expert Jon Taffer's interview on his mission to help fix struggling bars and small business owners get back on their feet.

Note: Some good overall advice for all small business owners whether you're in food or not!

Check it out!

Friday, July 01, 2011

Businessweek Seeks America's Best Young Entrepreneurs

Bloomberg Businessweek is seeking your suggestions for America’s best young entrepreneurs roundup for 2011. For the seventh year, we’re asking readers to scour the startup world for the most promising companies run by entrepreneurs 25 or younger. Suggest companies for us to look into using the form below through July 31. Then our reporters and editors will choose 25 to profile, and ask readers to vote for the ones they think hold the most promise. We’ll announce the five companies that got the most votes in the fall.

To qualify, companies must:

1) be based in the United States.

2) have no co-founders older than 25 on July 31, 2011. (That means if any one of a company’s founders was born before July 31, 1985, the company doesn’t qualify.)

3) disclose revenue for 2010 and projected revenue for 2011 (we won’t consider companies without this).

Suggest companies using the form below through July 31, and watch for our roundup in the fall.

Click here for more information.