The Cascade Effect, is a one-stop-guide for small businesses, startups and those who want to learn how PR can grow your business, making you a successful entrepreneur!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Do You Really Value Your Company, Customers?

In light of times like we’ve been through it’s easy to see why so many companies have been pushing major sales promotions – a. to move product and inventory to prepare for new and b. to just make the sale.

While this is not typically a bad thing, and something most businesses do regularly, it can become a problem when you do it just to make money; a quick sale. These business owners are focused on making money and lots of it, not nurturing the value of their brand, company, products and services, let alone their customers (who, I might remind you, are the reason you’re making money).

What I mean is that sometimes we can get so focused on “the money” that we fail to zero in on what is making that money. Obviously your customers, and their buying because they see value in what you’re offering. When you cheapen it with incredibly deep discounts or sales promotions that you can’t possibly fulfill just for a quick shot in the arm of cash, you are devaluing your brand, products and services.
Why do some people do this? Well, because they don’t see their own value.

When you don’t or stop seeing value in your offerings you become nothing more than annoying sales people and your customers will leave – you will always be chasing money (customers) rather than focusing on keeping existing customers happy and growing that base for real success.

Now, don’t get me wrong, a business always needs to think about its sales process, but what it can’t do is become so centered (to get tunnel vision) on that one element. It will fail you over time. Why? Because today’s consumers are smarter than they’ve ever been before. They want customer service. They want to feel valued by you and your business. They want to feel good about buying from you and part of a unique community supporting your business. Trust me, if they don’t receive any of this then they will leave and buy from your competitor.

Sometimes customer service can be the difference between you making the sale or your competitor. It’s time that we all remember who drives this economy, the consumer, and start:
  • Developing customer service plans (even if it’s only one sheet)
  • Planning special promotions in advance
  • Stop working in “crisis” mode to making money
  • Develop open and customized communications plans specifically for customers
  • Focus on the long-term, keeping the customers you have and let them be part of the marketing process by giving valuable referrals
  • Stop being a sales company and be good at what you really do. If you do it well and right the sales and success will come to you.
Here’s to a New Year with a new focus on how we run and grow our businesses and get back to what’s important – the customer.
Jennifer Fortney
Cascade Communications
Follow me on Twitter: @SmallBizPRXpert and @MyStorySource

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