The Cascade Effect, is a one-stop-guide for small businesses, startups and those who want to learn how PR can grow your business, making you a successful entrepreneur!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

7 Stupid Reasons to Hire a PR Firm

This is a must read for anyone considering hiring a PR firm for their business. I always say that you have to be really educated before you make the investment, and that's what I attempt to do on Cascade Effect and also on Small Business Daily blog, if you haven't checked it out, you should!

The reality that this article poses is that you not only have to educate yourself on how PR works, how firms work, but you also have to find the right partner for your business.

7 Stupid Reasons to Hire a PR Agency
A capable agency should provide visibility and increased brand awareness while keeping your end-game in focus.
By Aaron Kwittken The PR Post | April 20, 2010

Brand awareness, thought leadership, increased executive visibility, crisis communications preparedness . . . the laundry list of reasons companies should hire PR representation goes on and on, and a capable agency should provide all this and more. The decision to hire an agency should not be taken lightly and there are some common are pitfalls that should be avoided to ensure success. From unscrupulous agencies to recognizing your own misguided preconceptions; here are seven reasons you should not hire a PR agency.